Favorite Drink

Monday, April 19, 2010


Again I got no idea what I should write, so I guess i'm gonna write about some good movies i've seen.

First of all my favorite movie is Into The Wild, I don't want to give any spoilers or anything, but it tells about a guy who starts travelling to Alaska by foot (sometimes hitchiking). Well that's not all but the basic idea, it's based on a true story and it's really good.

My second favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemption, it's about a guy who gets a life sentence for a crime he didn't commit and it tells about his life in prison, again I won't reveal anything more incase someone wants to watch it.

My other favorites are: 12 Angry Men, City of God and American Beauty. Also my favorite actor is Al Pacino. I got this pretty big "dollar poster" with him in it, actually it says Tony Montana (from scarface) on my wall and it's pretty cool, might sound a bit gay but it isn't:D

I just watched Paths of Glory and now i'm going to watch Alien hopefully not going to fall asleep, it should be about 1:20 when it ends. I guess most of you find this boring but had nothing else to write about.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Failing Again

I have no idea what I should write about, so I think i'm gonna write about exciting news what are on iltalehti.


Almost got a heart attack, you can watch the video and then think is that really worth being on the front page. I know it's only my opinion but who gives a ......... if something like that happens.

Also there are two videos where you can see a tennis and a reality tv star are at the beach. The newspaper has to be running out of ideas or else the news are really lame now.

I guess i'm running out of ideas too cause I bother to write about that, but it just ...... me off.

Btw, my title was failing again so here's the story:

On thursday I got sick again, I threw up after school twice-,- Then I went to my grandparent's house. I was pretty tired but was feeling so bad, well I was wrong. First time I woke up at 11 and had to run downstairs to the toilet I threw up-,-. Then I drank water so I'd get the bad taste away then I went back upstairs. Then in 10 minutes I had to run back to the toilet and you can guess what happened. After repeating the same thing after 5 times, I learned that I can't drink water although I was thirsty, also I moved to the sofa so I didn't need to run downstairs anymore. I didn't throw up anymore but I fell asleep approx. at 2 so I didn't get much sleep. Also my plans and holiday was ruined:)

Saturday, March 20, 2010



Yesterday when I was about to write my blog, I found out that the internet connection is down, again-,- So I wasn't able to write anything:(((((

We got our finnish tests back yesterday and I got 9-. Lauri got 8½ so I beat him and he's a total noob. Yesterday I watched a real good movie (Full Metal Jacket) it was really good and fun. Today I'm going to the Ässät game to eat sausage and watch the game, but the sausage is the best part.

Oh yeah, this morning when I was coming from my girlfriend's house, my bike's back tire was empty and I had to walk with the bike for like 2km. It was really slippery and then when I was almost at home I fell to the ground and was soaking wet..-,- But that's pretty much all I got to say.

Ps. Ppl who will comment on this will get free donuts at school.

Friday, March 5, 2010

No Title


I'm sick at the moment, I got a bad cough and high temperature, or not so high anymore but had and I'm really bored because I can't go outside and the internet connection doesn't work(i'm using phone internet connection now). I've watched like 7 movies this week and played a lot of solitaire and minesweeper on computer. Hopefully I get well soon and can leave the house.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010