Favorite Drink

Monday, April 19, 2010


Again I got no idea what I should write, so I guess i'm gonna write about some good movies i've seen.

First of all my favorite movie is Into The Wild, I don't want to give any spoilers or anything, but it tells about a guy who starts travelling to Alaska by foot (sometimes hitchiking). Well that's not all but the basic idea, it's based on a true story and it's really good.

My second favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemption, it's about a guy who gets a life sentence for a crime he didn't commit and it tells about his life in prison, again I won't reveal anything more incase someone wants to watch it.

My other favorites are: 12 Angry Men, City of God and American Beauty. Also my favorite actor is Al Pacino. I got this pretty big "dollar poster" with him in it, actually it says Tony Montana (from scarface) on my wall and it's pretty cool, might sound a bit gay but it isn't:D

I just watched Paths of Glory and now i'm going to watch Alien hopefully not going to fall asleep, it should be about 1:20 when it ends. I guess most of you find this boring but had nothing else to write about.


  1. This wasnt boring at all:D I've never seen any of those films.... Mabye I should watch them:)
